Jobs in demand in Iceland

Poszukiwane zawody w Islandii (Przewodnik na lata 2023-2024)

Islandia, rozwijający się rynek pracy, potrzebuje wykwalifikowanych pracowników w sektorach takich jak turystyka, energia geotermalna, technologie informacyjne i opieka zdrowotna. Niski poziom bezrobocia oraz innowacyjność przyciągają nowe talenty, a rosnąca mobilność sprawia, że kraj staje się atrakcyjnym miejscem dla rozwijających kariery.

Street view in an Icelandic town with colorful houses, a mountain in the background, and parked vehicles along the road.

Car Insurance in Iceland

Car insurance in Iceland is a legal requirement but also a crucial safeguard for drivers. This guide explains everything you need to know about car insurance in Iceland, covering the different types of coverage, costs, and considerations. Legal Requirements for Car Insurance in Iceland Third-party liability insurance (ábyrgðartrygging) is mandatory Read more…

A still from the Kveikur episode about low Immigrant Voter Turnout in Iceland

Immigrant Voter Turnout in Iceland: Kveikur Episode Explores Low Participation with English Subtitles

A recent episode of Kveikur, Iceland’s investigative journalism show, focuses on the issue of low immigrant voter turnout in Iceland. Now available with English subtitles, the episode delves deep into the various factors contributing to this concerning trend. Language barriers, lack of accessible information, and the intricacies of the Icelandic Read more…